Dog Walking/Pet Sitting:
Dog Walking/Pet Sitting:
Quick Visit:
A quick visit entails taking your dog out for a bathroom break (10-15 minutes). Also feeding & water if desired. No additional charge.
Regular Visit: 20-30 minutes
A regular visit entails taking your dog out for a walk either solo, or with an additional 1 or 2 dogs. Also feeding & water if desired. No additional charge.
Play Session: 1 hour
This option would typically be a trip to a local park or another dogs fenced in yard for a group play session. Also feeding & water if desired. No additional charge.
Half Day: 3-4 hours
On a half day, your dog will go on multiple walks and typically will have off leash play time in a fenced in setting.
Full Day: 6 - 8 hours
For a full day, your dog will have off leash play time. Your dog will spend their time supervised at our house and able to play inside as well as the backyard.
Boarding (at our home):
Over night (24 hours):
Boarding is only available for dogs that we are already regularly walking, or in our daycare.
Kitty/Bunny Service:
(& other small animals)
Feedings, litter box cleanup, play time.
Call (781) 396-DOGS
to book an appointment
for a FREE Meet-n-Greet today!